A Week of No Makeup for Fuller-Looking Cheeks

Beauty & Style

Having fat chins may give the appearance of having a broader face, which can drastically alter how your face looks. As a result of drooping skin, bigger cheeks may be able to help reduce the problem and give you a younger appearance. When one is younger, one’s face seems bigger because of the presence of subcutaneous fat on the cheeks. As we age, we lose subcutaneous fat, giving us a more aged appearance. So how to get chubby cheeks faster?

Get Enough Nutritious Foods Into Your System

Foods rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals may help maintain a healthy body, as well as a beautiful complexion and red cheeks. Nuts, honey, carrots, oats, seeds, apple, avocado, and milk are just a few of the items that could boost the amount of fat in your cheeks.


The usage of commercially available supplemental supplements is advised if the nutrients in your natural diets are not causing your cheeks to respond. Make an appointment with a doctor to find out which supplements are best for your health. Consuming supplements will hasten the weight gain process, resulting in an accumulation of healthy fat beneath your cheek skin.

Makeup artists utilize Luminous Powder in the creation of their products

Any time you need to seem plumper or fuller for a particular occasion, you may apply radiant powder cosmetics. The first step is to apply the sparkly powder on your cheekbones to establish the tone. Use a clean makeup brush to apply the powder to the cheekbones and brows in a uniform layer. When you use this makeup, your cheeks will seem fuller and more youthful.

The pastel pink jar has been a long-time favorite that has stood the test of time thanks to its unique gel blend. Everyone will like this recipe since its light and moisturizing at the same time, making it ideal for all skin types. It absorbs quickly into the skin and imparts a dewy sheen without leaving a greasy behind.

It Contains Hyaluronic Acid

Our favorite ingredient was hyaluronic acid (also known as sodium hyaluronate) in the mix, which includes green tea leaf extract, glycerin, caffeine and aloe vera. If you suffer from dehydrated skin or dry, this moisturizing material will be most beneficial to you.

Claims have been given the go light by it

After recruiting 110 ladies to test the moisturiser, Clinique said that the findings were nothing short of stunning. More than 92% of the women claimed that their skin was well moisturized, and 86% described it as glowing.

The skin’s capacity to retain water is boosted

The claim that a moisturizer would “moisturize” is true for some of these products. Moisture Surge, on the other hand, takes a step further by helping the skin retain the moisture it has just drawn in. Skin is more effectively moisturized as a result, both in the short term and in the long term. With the clinique moisture surge review it is important.

For all skin types, this product is suitable

There can never be too much moisture in a place! Whatever your skin type or condition, being adequately hydrated is usually a good idea since hydrated skin is often thought of as having a higher level of health. The new Moisture Surge hydrator is suitable for all skin types, including combination, in addition to oily and combination skin.