7 urgent reasons to see a dentist NOW!

Dental Health

We often take dental health for granted. Even if you are regular with your brushing and flossing routine, you should see a dentist every six months just to ensure you don’t have signs of dental disease. There are also telltale signs of dental concerns that must be addressed at the earliest. Below are seven urgent reasons to see a Palm Harbor, FL dentist right NOW!

  1. You have frequent headaches. While it is not common for people to associate headaches with dental disease, persistent and frequent headaches in the morning could be triggered by teeth grinding at night. Your dentist can suggest a customized mouthguard to prevent that from happening.
  2. You have a severe toothache. Tooth pain is often a sign of decay and cavity. It could be more serious than you think, and even when the pain gets better in a day, you should see a dentist. They can help find the possible cause and offer treatment options accordingly.
  3. You have swollen and bleeding gums. If you have noticed unusual inflammation of the gums or bleeding when you brush and floss, it could be a sign of gum disease. Gingivitis, which is the first stage of gum disease, is reversible.
  4. You have white spots on your tooth. Calcium deposits can cause white spots on your teeth, and while these spots could be harmless, you should still see a dentist. Other possible reasons may include tooth decay, which should not be ignored.
  5. You are experiencing tooth sensitivity. When your teeth are sensitive to hot and cold foods, it is a sign of dental disease. This happens when the enamel has eroded and has exposed the dentin. Check with your dentist to find possible treatments, which include root canal therapy, fillings, and placing a dental crown.
  6. You have bad breath. Although every common, bad breath is typically a sign of many other concerns, including gingivitis, advanced gum disease, oral cancer, and tooth decay. While treatments are often necessary, your dentist may start by recommending a special mouthwash.
  7. You are seeing receding gums. If your teeth appear longer, it could be a sign of periodontitis or advanced gum disease. Your teeth are not getting any longer or bigger, but your gums are receding, and it is best to seek early treatment.

Don’t let these signs become major concerns later – Book an appointment with your dentist today and get a routine checkup.