5 Majors Signs That You Need to Do Root Canal Therapy

Dental Health

Root canal therapy is a procedure that can save your tooth from being extracted. It’s a necessity for people who want to keep their teeth despite severe tooth damage. And if you’re experiencing any of the below symptoms, it’s time to schedule an appointment at your dentist’s Houston dental office.

A dentist can remove the inner portion of your tooth, referred to as the pulp if you’re suffering from a toothache or infection. You may have a cracked or chipped tooth, which could weaken your tooth and can eventually lead to serious dental problems. The pulp is also susceptible to damage caused by deep cavities, fractured teeth, and other incidents.

Here are 5 major signs that you need root canal therapy:

  1. An abscess or pimple on the gums

An abscess or pimple on the gums is a clear sign that there’s an infection in your tooth. Since the tooth pulp contains blood vessels and nerves, it can get inflamed and infected. Gum tissue may swell as a result of this inflammation and cause unpleasant symptoms like pain, tenderness, and occasional swelling.

  1. Sensitivity to hot and cold

A tooth that hurts whenever you eat or drink something cold and hot or when you’re exposed to cold wind or air is a good indication of infection in the pulp. Root canal therapy removes the infected part of your tooth and prevents further damage to your tooth.

  1. Severe toothache 

Severe tooth pain that lasts more than a day may be a sign of infection. The infected tooth pulp can trigger an immune response that leads to swelling and inflammation, causing severe pain. In such conditions, the pulp is irritated and can’t heal properly. This may cause an infection in the surrounding tissues, including the gums.

  1. Swelling or tenderness

If there’s swelling or tenderness in your gums, it could mean that your tooth pulp is infected and has triggered an inflammatory response. Root canal therapy may be your best option to save your tooth and improve the symptoms. 

  1. No symptoms at all

Your tooth may still be infected despite the absence of pain or swelling. In such cases, your dentist might need to use X-rays to detect any traces of infection before it gets worse. If your dentist detects remnants of infection in the root canal, you may need to consider root canal treatment.